Key Nutrition for Weight Loss

Stephen Cabral READ TIME: 2 MIN.

If I had to narrow down ONE key element (nutrient) that most people are missing in their diet it would be...


Not only is fiber a HUGE component in losing weight, it's vitally important for your health and well being.

It'll even help you maintain steady energy levels throughout the day since fiber helps slow the digestions of food.

Here's the problem though:

Mass food manufacturers have removed most of the natural fiber from certain carbohydrates like wheat, rice and oats. For example, flour is typically STRIPPED of its fibrous shell (or chafe), BLEACHED and REFINED (processed).

This is horrible for your digestive system and ultimately makes it more difficult to lose weight.

These companies do this purposely in order to make breads LIGHTER and allow them to sit on grocery food shelves longer.

These refined and processed carbs are not natural, they won't fill you up as much, and they will spike your blood sugar levels easier resulting in more energy crashes, increased hunger, and ultimately fat storage.

This is why you need to be on the lookout when choosing your foods. And to help you out I've listed some "cheat sheet" bullet points below.

Quick tips on fiber:

  • Aim for 30 grams a day
  • Shoot for 5 grams per serving (6 x per day)
  • Fiber helps keep you feeling full
  • Fiber aids in weight loss, lowering cholesterol & blood pressure
  • Fiber is necessary for proper digestive health

    Easy ways to get your 5 grams of fiber:

  • 1 cup of dark green veggies
  • 1 large apple or cup of berries
  • 1 cup of whole grain
  • 1/4c - 1/2c of beans

    Now I know many people have issues with fiber, but that's not necessarily a reason to stay away from it.

    If you get bloating, cramps, etc. you will need to see what types of foods affect you the most and try other high fiber foods instead. You should also start with just a few grams of fiber per meal and then increase it as your body allows.

    It's just too important not to add fiber into your diet. Work around it.

    I hope these quick tips give you a better understanding on how you can benefit from getting more fiber in your diet. It's a lot easier than you think if you just keep it on your mind at meal time and break it up in small servings throughout the day!

    by Stephen Cabral

    Stephen Cabral is a national health correspondent with over 10 years of credentials. He holds national and international certifications in strength & conditioning, personal training, yoga and nutrition. For more information go to

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