PRIDE never end at W Hotels!

Jason Salzenstein READ TIME: 2 MIN.

Loyal readers know that W Hotels have consistently ranked at the top of EDGE Travel Editor Jason Salzenstein's favorite places to stay. Of course "the W" is known for their fabulous style and great locations, but now conscientious LGBT travelers have even one more reason to give them our gay dollars. Read Jason's report for more...

If you're a regular reader of my columns, you know that when I travel I look for four things in a hotel: location, style, service, and Q-factor. (For those of you who've just come out from under a rock, 'Q-factor' is an establishment's "level of gaiety" based on community support, staff training, IGLTA and/or TAG membership, inclusive advertising, etc.) When the four come together, I write about it, blog about it, share it with friends and family, and generally never shut up. In fact I've even been accused of being on commission for certain properties I've fell in love with.

As brands go, it would be extremely difficult to beat Kimpton in those four key areas- but W Hotels is certainly giving them a run for their money. Although I've never been blown away by their particularly warm service (I have a feeling a bit of snobby detachment is part of their branding), the W style is top-notch, their locations to-die-for, and W Hotel's support of the community commendable. In fact, the new PRIDE 356 package might just be enough to help boost them up to the "gay icon" level that Kimpton's been enjoying solo for some time.

So what's in the W Hotels' PRIDE 365 package? Well, to start with, of course you'll get a fabulous room; it's the W after all. Once settled, you'll discover a fabulous Bliss Face Value Set of amenities, with all-around skincare goodies in perfect travel-friendly sizes. On top of that, you'll find an exclusive W Hotels Amenity Kit from Flight 001, Big Trips: More Good Gay Travel Writing (a compilation of travel essays from gay writers around the world), a subscription to Passport magazine, and Two Cool Cocktails. (Don't think that last one's just a toss-on either; that's a highlight for this editor!)

The PRIDE 365 package is available at W Hotels throughout the US and Canada, including new W properties in Hoboken, Atlanta, and Fort Lauderdale- a spectacular property that I personally visited just weeks ago (with special internet-only rates starting at $150/night; insane!). The package will be available at least through the end of February 2010 and rates vary by property. For more info and to book online, go to

by Jason Salzenstein

Twitter :: JasonSalz

Jason Salzenstein is a writer and editor; design, image, and marketing consultant; and professional shopper. His work has appeared in numerous national and international publications and he has clients around the world. For more information ::

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