Florida Log Cabin Republican Ad: Hillary 'Will Throw LGBTs Under the Bus'

John McDonald READ TIME: 1 MIN.

A new ad by the Broward County Log Cabin Republicans attacks Hillary Clinton claiming she will do nothing for LGBT Americans.

"Hillary will throw LGBTs under the bus, along with Jews, to curry favor with Muslims and kowtow to immigrants who uphold Sharia law, which condemns gays to death, denies equal rights to women and suppresses our freedoms of religion and speech," reads one line in the ad, which ran in last week's issue of the Florida Agenda.

Andy Eddy, a member of the Broward County Log Cabin Republican Club, said the ad was approved by a committee. Furthermore, Eddy defended the positions expressed.

"All you have to do is go online and see the hangings of gays and gays being pushed off buildings," Eddy said. "Try going to Saudi Arabia with a copy of the South Florida Gay News in your hand and see how far you get."

James Basmajian, Vice President of the Dolphin Democrats, said the Log Cabin ad is misleading.

"She will not throw us under the bus," Basmajian said. "This is all about Muslim race baiting. Hillary's record on LGBT issues is spotless. She has always been a strong supporter of Israel and Jewish Americans."

The ad also claims Clinton will raise taxes on the middle class, open America's borders to unskilled immigrants, defend late-term and partial-birth abortions, appoint Supreme Court justices that will undermine the Second Amendment, cripple law enforcement, push for trade giveaways and expand ObamaCare.

"All they are trying to do is divide people," Basmajian said. "This Log Cabin ad reflects the mean spirited and divisive tone of Donald Trump's campaign."

by John McDonald

Copyright South Florida Gay News. For more articles, visit www.southfloridagaynews.com

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