Out British Olympian Tom Bosworth Proposes to Boyfriend in Rio


Great Britain's track and field athlete Tom Bosworth, who came out as gay in 2015, proposed to his boyfriend Harry Dineley while in Rio for the 2016 Olympics, the Telegraph reports.

Bosworth, 26, took to Twitter Monday to share the good news.

Dineley also posted a snap of the wedding ring on his Twitter.

Bosworth finished in sixth place in the 20K race walking event last week. It was an impressive showing as he was ranked 37th in the world leading up to the Olympics.

"I'm in shock at what happened," Bosworth said after the race, according to the Telegraph. "I just thought 'I will take it on'. The pace was so easy, I thought people would just come with me.

"I felt good and was comfortable with the pace I was going, but I knew I had the best in the world behind me and I knew they would catch me, but I just tried to hold on," he added."I dropped down to ninth at one point, but I thought, 'screw this, I've not led the race for this long to finish outside the top eight,' and just went for it.

"I can't be disappointed with sixth place at the Olympics, but I could have done better as I had a dodgy stomach last night and that affected me a little bit," the athlete said. "But to break the British record by such a margin, and at the Olympics, is a dream come true."

This is the second same-sex marriage proposal at the Olympics this year. Earlier this month it was reported Brazilian rugby player Isadora Cerullo Tpopped the question to her girlfriend Marjorie Enya.

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