Pro-Gun, Zika-Inactive Republicans Label Porn 'A Public Health Crisis'


They're holding up funding to fight the Zika virus and refuse to even hear arguments on gun control, but the Republican party is considering taking on pornography - which they label a "public health crisis."

As reported by Time, among the platform language being considered by the Republican National Committee that includes a Supreme Court reversal of the marriage equality decision and embracing of gay conversion therapy, is a pretty staunch condemnation of pornography.

"Pornography, with its harmful effects, especially on children, has become a public health crisis that is destroying the life of millions. We encourage states to continue to fight this public menace and pledge our commitment to children's safety and wellbeing," a proposed amendment to the party's platform stated.

Yahoo News notes that the anti-porn language went further in its condemnation of porn than the 2012 GOP platform, which condemned child pornography and encouraged the enforcement of obscenity and pornography laws.

The amendment was offered during the RNC subcommittee meeting on healthcare, education and crime by Mary Forrester, a delegate from North Carolina, who worked on it with the arch-conservative and often anti-LGBT group Concerned Women for America.

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