Rubio Believes Gays are Born That Way But Don't Have the Right to Marry


Good news, gays! Marco Rubio doesn't believe your "lifestyle" is a choice. The bad news is he still doesn't support your right to marry.

Following a comment last week that sent waves of shock through his largely conservative base, when he said that we would attend the wedding a friend or family member who was gay, 2016 GOP presidential hopeful Sen. Marco Rubio (R-FL) told CBS News that he didn't believe that being gay was a choice. Wait, before you start thinking that he's getting all Lady Gaga on the gay issue, during the same interview, Rubio said that he doesn't support same-sex marriage.

"I (also) don't believe that your sexual preferences are a choice for the vast and enormous majority of people," Rubio told "Face the Nation" host Bob Schieffer. "I believe that sexual preference is something that people are born with."

Rubio's comment brought swift criticism from hard right wing republican pundits.

"Rubio's self-inflicted wounds on immigration and homosexuality should be fatal to his chances with conservatives." Tweeted hate group mouthpiece Bryan Fischer of the American Family Association

"It's not that I'm against gay marriage. I believe the definition of the institution of marriage should be between one man and one woman," Rubio said. "States have always regulated marriage. And if a state wants to have a different definition, you should petition the state legislature and have a political debate. I don't think courts should be making that decision."

Rubio, who The Advocate said might be "the most anti-gay presidential candidate yet," has a 22% rating from the Human Rights Campaign. During his interview with Schieffer on Sunday he asserted that he doesn't "believe same-sex marriage is a Constitutional right."


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