Plastic Penis on Pixie Prompts Parental Panic


Sometimes at bargain stores, you get more than you bargain for.

Ever since Barbie first graced toy store shelves over 50 years ago, dolls have come pre-packaged with a variety of accouterments ranging from purses to high heels and other sundry fashion accessories. An Argentine mother who bought a Fashion Happy Fairy doll at her local discount toy store in Buenos Aires was surprised to find an unexpected item on the knock-off toy she purchased for her child -- a penis.

According to The Daily Mail, a photo posted to Facebook of a Fashion Happy Fairy doll with what appears to be a penis, is causing a stir on the internet, with many claiming that the doll is transgender.

It is unclear whether the fairy doll's extra bit of goods was intentional or the result of an extra piece of plastic left over from the torso mold that quality control inspectors in the Chinese factory where the doll was manufactured failed to catch.

As the Daily Mail points out, parents in Argentina, where the pixie's penis has been discussed on TV and radio across the country are concerned that a possibly transgender doll could "influence" their children's sexuality.

'It doesn't matter to a child whether their toy has male genitalia or not." said child psychologist Ricardo Rodulfo. "The idea causes more disturbance among adults."


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