Logo Says "Yee-Haw" With "A-List: Dallas"

Kevin Mark Kline READ TIME: 7 MIN.

Logo says "Yee-Haw!" to Dallas with the expansion of its hit docu-reality "A-List" franchise from the producers of The Real Housewives of Atlanta. Deep in the heart of Texas, this cast of socialite scene-making men and women are out to prove their New York counterparts have not cornered the market on having big dreams and bigger drama. Dallas has recently surged onto the pop culture radar as a focal point for food, fashion and fabulous, earning it a spot worthy of exploring with this top-tier cast of natives. With shows like Bravo's Most Eligible Dallas, CMT's Texas Women and Style's Big Rich Texas, it's time for Texas gays to show us what they've got.

You thought the housewives were desperate, until you met the houseboys of A-List: New York. A-List: New York was the highest rated show on Logo last season. Now Logo goes where everything is bigger, including the drama. A-List: Dallas is dishing up a Texas-sized serving of larger-than-life personalities and their high-living lifestyles. From a rodeo star to a hot-mess of a trust fund kid and even a Christian gay Republican, this show is set to heat up Logo's fall lineup.

The Rage Monthly caught up with trouble and his sidekick, James and Ashley to get the inside scoop on all that's A-List: Dallas.

How did you get involved with A-List?

James: I heard about A-List through a few close friends who suggested that I should definitely show them what I'm made of.

What can Dallas bring to Logo that the boys in New York can't?

James: I think Dallas has a different vibe altogether. Southern/Midwest boys just have a certain something about them that makes them standout. I don't know if it's how we were raised or how we grew up in our communities, but it definitely shines through. It's our southern gentleman qualities that so many others lack. I think we can bring a new look on the gay community by showing that not all gay men are high-strung, fake bronzed, backstabbing, inconsiderate queens. Plus, I bet those boys can't off road or ride a horse like we do.

James, your "bestie" Ashley has joined the cast of A-List: Dallas, how did you two meet and tell us a little about your relationship.

James: We have known each other forever. You can't really describe our relationship in a paragraph, but I'll say she's my Grace, and I'm her Will.

Ashley, how do you manage all these boys and their drama?

Ashley: I am so, so blessed to be the only female cast member on the show and I am confident the Lord has given me these relationships for a very specific reason. We are a big family and I live for these boys. They are EVERYTHING to me!

Ashley, what do you hope to bring to the table in this series? Is there a message you want to send out to the straight community through this show?

Ashley: I come from a very conservative country town in Texas where being gay is simply unacceptable. My goal is to show the world that maybe their negative, precon�ceived ideas about homosexuality are false. Now I just have to work on my prejudice against barbaric straight men.

James, we grew up in the same neck of the woods in Oklahoma and attended the same high school. Knowing where we came from, how do you think people are going to respond to you and The A-List: Dallas?

James: People always respond in the most random ways. I've noticed people that hated me in high school were some of the first to reach out and say congratulations, while others that I expected to congratulate me, have only shown me a bitter acknowl-edgement. The LGBT community's response in Oklahoma City, who I considered a second family, has been very typical, jealous and bitter. There are still some that stuck by my side and keep me going like Jak'kay Monroe/Josh, the one person who has liter-ally been there for me through everything and the never-ending support of Floyd.

Before we get to see all the crazy action and drama, what inspired you to do the show in the first place and what do you hope you portray about the LGBT community and more specifically Dallas?

James: I wanted to make my mark on this world; in other words, I want to live on after my time here is up. I hope I can portray the fact that there is nothing typical about the LGBT community. We are all ourselves, and we just happen to let our minds fall into the stereotypes, thus becoming more like the stereotypes themselves. That might sound crazy, but I want to show that the LGBT community in Dallas is amazing. The community here always helps each other out, and more importantly, through all the fights and arguments, we are all still a big family. Everyone in this community has their opinion on our show, but I hope it strengthens our community when the show airs.

For those who love or hate The A-List: New York, what do you think is going to be different in Dallas?

James: I think we are a completely different group of people, therefore you should expect a completely different vibe.

For both of you, tell me one positive and one negative thing about each other as well as the other cast mates; feel free to pull out all the knives.

James: I love Ashley, except for the fact that her hair smashes me in the face every time she whips it around. She also tries to play mother with me sometimes. I love everyone on the cast to be honest, we all piss each other off, but that's just a given. I think Levi is very responsible and driven, but when he drinks, he likes to throw small objects at me. Philip is very well versed, but he is loud as hell, seriously, think of a fire alarm. Taylor is very sweet, but can definitely be up to no good without you knowing. Chase is always there for you, but he doesn't drink on workdays.

Ashley: James has more potential than he will ever understand but his partying might lead him down the wrong path. Phillip is so beautiful on the inside and out but he needs to learn to take a compliment in a graceful manner. Taylor is so charming and such a smooth talker but he wants to control every situation. Chase is very intelligent but has huge trouble with commitment. Levi has so many boyfriends that he doesn't know how to handle it when someone isn't into him.

Coming from a small town in Oklahoma, James, what message would you have for other LGBT kids who come from similar backgrounds who live in rural areas with no gay exposure or protection to be who they are?

James: This has been something I've struggled with for so many years living in Law�- ton, OK. Nothing I can say will make it better, or make them believe that life isn't that bad. Trust me, I know how they feel. I would say you have to always remember to be true to yourself and always love yourself no matter what. People can break you down, beat you up, slash your tires, write fag on your car and make your life hell, but remember that there are millions of people out there who have gone through it and made it. You will make it if you just believe in yourself and that your life will be just what you hoped and expected. Find someone to lookup to and lean on them through the tough times.

Again for both of you, each of you tell me a little bit about your friendship with each other, how you met, things you like to do together, etc.

Ashley: James and I can have fun doing ANYTHING. If we are in the car together we will sing at the top of our lungs. If it's raining outside we will play in the rain in our designer shoes. We just don't care!

James: We get along for the most part, but there are times we can get on each other's nerves. I think Ashley is an angel with a little bit of mischief going on, but she hates to admit it. We love to hangout, hit the bars, road-trip, jet-set, party, do dinners, and of course shop.

James, who inspires you and where did you get the courage to take on Dallas and this series, know�ing you may have fallout from friends and family back home?

James: My top inspirations in my life have been God, my parents, Jak'kay Monroe/ Josh, Brayden McGowan, and soldiers-Lawton is a military town. I get courage from all of them in different ways. They have always shown me that you can make it no matter what odds are against you. They are literally the reason I'm here today and the reason I was able to get out of bed during the bad times. I don't think that I'm worried about a fallout, because I have an amazing group of friends and family, they know who I am, and aren't afraid to stand up beside me. For those "acquaintances" back home that will give me hell...bring it!

Ashley and James, what surprised you the most with the taping of a reality TV show? Do you think you'll see a different side of yourself once the editing is done and the show airs?

Ashley: I had no idea how often we would film. We film six days a week! I know I will be so surprised when the show airs. It's like when you see a photo of yourself and you're like, "OMG I am so much prettier in my head than in reality!"

James: Just seeing how much emotion, dedication, money, tears, time, and effort that goes into this is overwhelming. I didn't expect this to affect my life in the ways that it has so far. I hope I can see a different side of myself when we air. For me, this show will be the ultimate in self-reflection.

A-List: Dallas premiers Monday, October 10. For more information on the show, visit logotv.com.

by Kevin Mark Kline , Director of Promotions

Copyright Rage Monthly. For more articles from Rage visit www.ragemonthly.com

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