Million Dollar Listing - Season Four

Aron Gold, Esq. READ TIME: 1 MIN.

Million Dollar Listing is back on Bravo for Season Four! This season, Beverly Hills agent Josh Altman joins series regulars Josh Flagg and handsome hunk Madison Hildebrand. While fans might mourn the loss of realtor Chad and his iconic hairstyle, Josh Altman makes a perfect addition to the series with his pitch-perfect television personality. This season sticks to the formula - there's drama (of course) and we get to catch glimpses of ridiculously priced California homes.

As always, the clients keep the series interesting. In the first two episodes (airing Feb 1 and Feb 8) you'll be treated to an eccentric Hollywood makeup artist with a fabulous home that (in my opinion) is far too opulent for Encino. While you won't find out any hot details about the love lives of both Josh's (at least not by the end of episode two), Madison reveals more details about his bisexuality. We learn that he is newly single and on the rebound from his first relationship with another guy. With those abs we know it won't take long for Madison's next "venture."

Season four premieres at 9PM EST, February 1 on Bravo - Check Your Local Listings

by Aron Gold, Esq.

Aron is a contributor to Edge, focusing on critiques and local events. He is an attorney in Philadelphia.

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